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Morning Rituals - with Tom Batrouney

Tom is one of those people, who makes running his business BLAEK Store, training for an ultra marathon, working full time for Seabin and raising a toddler seem more manageable than keeping up to date with your inbox.
Toms always smiling, keeping himself accountable, and the first to admit that having a ritual and routine, is a big part to winning the day. Get an inside look into Tom's morning musts and what he swears by. 


Depends! I have rituals but I also like to keep it varied/ keep my body guessing and keep it SPICY as you epic people say at SISUU. I have a bit of a rotational system rather than locking into a daily plan but the mornings are where it's most regular pretty much because I don't have heaps of time.
If I'm running, surfing or getting outside as I am most mornings it's a litre of water chased by a few supplements and a good quality espresso shot and straight out the door in the dark most days. Then after I get the movement in it's home to slam a green smoothie before hitting my desk for the 9am whatsupppppppppppp world! I'll then probably eat something solid at 11am.


I try really hard to take 5 minutes every day to stop, throw my phone away, lay down on my back and breathe really well. Deep breaths that really oxygenate every inch of my body. That's something that is achievable for me everyday and something I try to stick to and it's part self control and part health because I really believe in the power of sending oxygen to the deep dark areas of your body and what it can do on a cellular level. The other time I do this is driving because again that's achievable and the first rule for me is it has to be achievable during a busy day.
Also nose breathing while running has been a game changer and it's incredible how you can expand your nasal pathways. While it feels hard to begin with, it is wild how much more oxygen you can draw in and how much your legs love you for it.
Cold ocean plunges, ice baths and saunas.

There are enough people talking about these now and while I don't care that much for evidence I do care for how they make me feel mentaly and physically which is the only evidence I need. If all else fails then cold showers each and everyday is something I would recommend to everyone - so powerful!


Haha by MANAGING! We can do anything if we give ourselves permission to do so, remember how short life is and make sure we put aside time for ourselves in a world where everyone and everything wants a piece of you. Managing or the eternal search for balance is all about realising you will never manage or find balance but what you can learn and how you can grow while trying really hard everyday is where it's at.
Managing for me is sometimes going for a surf at 1pm on a work day and not feeling bad, taking a day of annual leave to run 140kms or just asking someone to help me out with something. The only reason any of these examples are negative is if you worry about what other people may think of you but deep down I know myself and I know how to make myself the best self for myself, my mission and other people.

Everyone can do this and it might come down to working 7 hours one day and 9 the next so you can get that you time in but I really see my life as a recipe and if you don't throw in a certain ingredient one day or one week then the meal sucks.
Don't let the meal suck, always aim for michelin star goodness!
I manage because I want to and because I'm here to be the best example to myself and others. The opposite in my opinion is giving less to this beautiful life and all of the opportunities we can create and be a part of.


Soooo many people, movements and concepts! I am easily inspired and I really think everyone should be! Every single person has something incredible about them that can inspire and I really believe that. I get just as inspired by some of the world's best athletes as I do a Mum in the supermarket juggling a shopping list and 2 wild kids.

Everyone has 'it' and I try really hard to see 'it' in everyone. That's love and love is the start of everything good in the world I reckon.

I also inspire myself and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It's a really powerful form of confidence.


Big question! I have actually just made a 12 month plan from May-May after signing on as a Salomon ambassador. Heaps of running of course but some really cool missions with Salomon creating content and sharing some of my messages which I'm really excited about. 3 or 4 races with UTA100 in the Blue Mountains being my 'A' race this year which I'm going to throw everything at and heaps of environmental work in and around all that.

It is so important to keep challenging myself hard in nature, exploring/ adventuring, learning about my body and mind and how I can contribute to a wave of people fighting to protect our playground.

Some epic stuff going on with Seabin (my day job) cleaning the world's oceans and launching in the USA and beyond and BLAEK Store, my responsible retail concept I run with Nikki changing the retail landscape and inspiring others to do better in business. Are you tired yet?

Lots going on but it all sits under the exact same banner of using a few different mediums to better myself, others and create a planet that is as incredible for future generations as it has been for me (so far)!

Follows Toms training and train adventures over @tombatrouney

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